

The Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria is a modern state institution, whose vocation is to work for the successful development and effective implementation of the modern system for protection of the rights to objects of industrial property.

Thank you for your interest in the activities of the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria and your desire to participate in the announced or upcoming competitive procedures for filling vacant positions in the administration of the Office.

Entering a job in a state institution, such as our organization, is carried out in the following ways:

  • By conducting a competition procedure for appointment of civil servants in accordance with the requirements of the Civil Servant Act and by the order of the Ordinance for conducting competitions and selection in case of mobility of civil servants.
  • By performing a selection procedure for mobility of civil servants, regulated in Art. 81a of the Civil Servant Act, for which comprehensive information is available on the portal:
  • By collecting documents for the appointment of employees in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code.

Vacancies in the Patent Office can be found in the section "Job vacancies"

THE APPLICATION FOR PARTICIPATION IN A COMPETITION PROCEDURE for holding a position in an official legal relationship in the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria is performed as follows:

The first step of this process is related to the completion and submission of the documents described in Art. 17, para. 2 and 3 of the Ordinance for conducting the competitions and selection in case of mobility of civil servants (NPKPMDS):

  1. Application for participation in the competition according to a sample: data for the candidate are filled in: educational degree, specialty, preparation; additional qualification; computer skills; knowledge of a foreign language; professional path and experience. The application must be signed by the applicant;

  2. Declaration under Art. 17, para. 3, item 1 of NPKPMDS: the declaration must be signed personally by the applicant. An unsigned declaration means no declaration of intent and equates to an unsubmitted declaration;

  3. Copies of documents for the acquired educational qualification degree: diploma, together with the appendices to it.

If the diploma of the candidate for education acquired in the Republic of Bulgaria is entered in the Register of graduates and doctoral students, the application shall indicate the number, date and issuer of the diploma, and if the document for recognition of the education acquired abroad is entered in the registers for academic recognition of the National Center for Information and Documentation, the number, date and issuer of the document for recognition shall be indicated in the application, as a copy of the diploma shall not be attached;

   4. Copies of documents for additional qualification and legal capacity, if such are required for the position.

Copies of documents under item 3 and item 4, issued by other countries, shall be recognized after their legalization by the Ministry of Education and Science, if the same is not entered in the registers under item 3.

   5. Copies of documents certifying the duration of the professional experience - service book, employment book, insurance book and / or official document in Bulgarian, proving the performance of activity abroad. These documents are proof that the applicant meets the requirement for professional experience;

   6. Other documents related to the requirements for holding the position, in accordance with the order for announcing the competition or at the discretion of the candidate - CV in European format, cover letter, recommendations, etc.

    The submission of documents can be done::

  • personally - certified by an identity document;

  • through a proxy - a written power of attorney with a notarized signature is submitted;

  • electronically - in this case the application for participation in the competition and the declaration under item 2 should be signed by the candidate with an electronic signature. 

    The application and the documents attached to it shall be submitted at the place entered in the notice or through the e-mail address indicated therein (if signed with an electronic signature). Applications sent by post, courier or fax will not be accepted.

The administration of the Patent Office is obliged to:

    1. Notify the candidates or their proxies of the obstacles to appointment referred to in Art. 7, para. 2 of the Civil Servant Act and in other normative acts (e.g. the Classified Information Protection Act and rules of its implementation);
    2. Provide the candidate or his / her proxy with a copy of the job description for the competitive position;
    3. Registers the application submitted in time, to which are attached all documents listed as annexes.

    Please note that it is not the employee who has accepted and registered the documents for participation in the competition, but the competition committee that considers each submitted application. The Commission shall assess whether all the necessary documents have been submitted and whether they certify compliance with the minimum and specific requirements laid down for the position. The competition commission decides on the admission of candidates to the competition. 

    The results at each stage of the competition procedure are announced in the following order: 

    • On the seventh day from the deadline for submission of documents, the lists of admitted and non-admitted applicants shall be announced on the website of the Patent Office.
    • The list of not-admitted candidates shall indicate the reasons for their non-admission to the competition procedure.
    • No later than five working days after the announcement of the lists, a notice is published on the website of the Patent Office, through which the admitted applicants are informed about the date, time, place and manner of the first stage of the competition procedure (solving a test / practical exam / written development on a given topic / defense of a strategic management concept). It cannot be scheduled earlier than seven days after the notification of the participants.
    • Candidates who have successfully passed the first stage of the competition procedure are admitted to an interview. The same are informed about their results and about the date, place and time of the interview through a notification sent to a pre-specified e-mail address or by written message by mail.
    • Within ten days from the conduct of the competition procedure, the ranking of the candidates from first to third place shall be announced on the website of the Patent Office. All participants who appeared at the interview are notified by e-mail or in writing, sending them an extract from the protocol reflecting the results.

    How to prepare for the competition:

    • Familiarize yourself with the job description provided to you;
    • Get acquainted with the functions of the directorate for which you are applying. You can read them in the Structural Rules of the Patent Office, which is published on our official website;
    • Pay attention to what activity you will have to perform if you take the position, and which regulations are relevant to its implementation - laws, regulations, rules, etc.;
    • Pay attention to the skills and competencies needed to effectively perform the position you are applying for;
    • Get acquainted with the Administration Act and the Civil Servant Act;
    • Prepare for the interview - it is important to be able to present yourself briefly, clearly and convincingly, emphasizing the knowledge and skills you possess and believe that they will help you cope with the responsibilities of the competitive position;
    • Come to the designated place for the competition 10 minutes in advance.

    We welcome all those wishing to link their professional realization with our administration and we believe that working with us will provide you with an opportunity for a successful professional career and development of your individual potential for development.


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