The Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria is led by a President. Under the direct authority of the President are the Vice-President, the Secretary General, and the Financial Controller.
The organizational structure of the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria includes the following five directorates:
Olya Dimitrova graduated from the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy - Sofia as a chemical engineer, with additional professional qualification at the Technical University of Sofia in legal protection of intellectual property.
More than 20 years of Mrs. Dimitrova's professional career have been spent at the Patent Office, where she has been consistently appointed to various positions in the field of patent examination. From 2014 to 2022 she held the position of Director of the Directorate for Examination and Protection of Inventions, Utility Models and Industrial Designs. She has extensive experience in the field of legal protection of industrial property objects and patent examination, as well as experience in research and development in the field of pharmaceutics.
She is fluent in English, German, and Russian.
Maya Filipova-Demireva has a Master's degree in Law from the University of National and World Economy. She has a specialization in patent law from the Technical University of Sofia.
In 2011 she started working at the Patent Office as a legal professional. She has over 10 years of experience in the handling of appeals and claims related to industrial property disputes. Mrs. Filipova-Demireva has represented the Office before the judicial authorities in litigation. She has played a leading role in drafting regulations, ordinances, rules, etc.
She is fluent in English and German.
Veronika Todorova has a Master's degree in Law from Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" and an additional professional qualification at the Technical University of Sofia in the field of legal protection of intellectual property.
She joined the Patent Office team in 2009 as a Senior legal advisor and over the years has held various expert positions. Since 2016, she has been heading the Administrative and Legal Activities and International Cooperation and Projects Directorates. She has nearly 15 years of professional experience in the Office and the fields of administrative management, public procurement, and international cooperation.
She is fluent in English and French.
Teodora Petrova
Director of Directorate "Administrative and Legal, Financial and Economic Activities"
Teodora Petrova graduated with a Master's degree in Law from the Law Faculty of the Burgas Free University in 2004. The same year she acquired her legal capacity.
She has worked in public administration since 1998. She is experienced in management and control, project and program work, development of strategies, regulations, rules, and other documents. Mrs. Petrova has been on the team of the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria since 2022, where she started as Chief expert, after which she headed the Directorate of Administrative and Legal Activities, and since 2024 she has been the Director of the Directorate of Administrative and Legal, Financial and Economic Activities.
She is fluent in Russian and French.
Director of Directorate "International Cooperation and Projects"
Zlatina Slavcheva graduated with a Master's degree in International Project Management from the University of National and World Economy and has a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration. She is certified in PRINCE2 and PRINCE2Agile project management methods.
She has been working at the Patent Office since 1996. Over the years, she has developed her professional competencies in areas related to patent information and documentation, organizing and conducting various types of events and training, protocol activities, international cooperation and coordination with international organizations, as well as project implementation.
She speaks English, Russian, and Spanish.
Director of
Directorate "Examination and Protection of Inventions, Utility Models and
Industrial Designs"
Mrs. Galya Aygarova graduated in Biotechnology at the Faculty of Biology of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" in 2008, followed by a Master's degree in "Industrial Biotechnology". She has acquired a patent-law specialization from the Technical University in Sofia and has 15 years of experience in patent and utility model protection.
In 2009, she started working at the Patent Office, where she held various expert positions. Since 2024, she has held the position of Director of the Directorate "Examination and Protection of Inventions, Utility Models and Industrial Designs".
She is fluent in English and German.
Bratov, PhD
Director of
Directorate "Expertise and Opposition of Trademarks and Geographical
Nikolay Bratov possesses an educational and scientific degree "Doctor" in the professional field "Economics and Management", with a specialty in "Intellectual Property by Industry" from the University of National and World Economy. He also has a Master's degree in "Intellectual Property and Business" and acquired patent law specialization from the UNWE.
He has eight years of professional experience in the field of industrial property, in particular in the field of enforcement, administrative and penal proceedings, and implementation of international trademark and design projects, as well as over ten years of experience in public administration.
He is registered as an independent appraiser of industrial property rights with the Chamber of Independent Appraisers in Bulgaria.
He is fluent in English and German.
Nina Asenova
Director of
Directorate "Disputes and administrative penal activity"
Nina Asenova is a law graduate from the Law Faculty of the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". She joined the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria in 2014 in the specialized legal directorate, consistently holding various expert positions within the same unit.
She has over 10 years of experience in handling appeals and claims related to industrial property disputes and litigation. She also has experience in administrative penal proceedings within the competence of the Office and in the implementation of international projects.
She is fluent in English and German.
The Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria has 114 staff positions.
Председателят осъществява цялостното ръководство на Патентното ведомство на Република България и неговата администрация:
1. представлява Патентното ведомство или оправомощава лица, които да го представляват;
2. организира, ръководи и контролира дейността на Патентното ведомство;
3. провежда държавната политика в областта на индустриалната собственост и определя стратегическите цели и задачи на Патентното ведомство;
4. утвърждава щатното разписание на администрацията;
5. сключва, изменя и прекратява трудовите и служебните правоотношения със служителите от администрацията и присъжда рангове на държавните служители;
6. взема решения по въпроси от неговата изключителна компетентност съгласно приложимите нормативни актове, определящи правомощията на ведомството;
7. ръководи, координира и контролира действията по изпълнение на основните функции по предоставяне на правна закрила на обектите на индустриална собственост и защита при нарушения срещу тях;
8. изпълнява бюджета;
9. информира обществеността за дейността на Патентното ведомство чрез средствата за масово осведомяване;
10. осъществява международното сътрудничество на Република България с международни организации или с органи от други държави в областта на индустриалната собственост;
11. председателства работна група 34 - "Закрила на интелектуалната и индустриалната собственост";
12. сключва договори с външни експерти;
13. командирова служителите от администрацията в страната и в чужбина;
14. представлява ведомството в международни организации и съюзи;
15. сключва договори и/или споразумения с чуждестранни патентни ведомства или организации, осъществява сътрудничество с ръководствата на организации с идеална цел, вкл. университети, научни институти, изследователски организации и др.;
16. утвърждава Устройствения правилник на Патентното ведомство, Правилника за вътрешния трудов ред, Правилника за документооборота в Патентното ведомство, както и всички други вътрешни актове, необходими за законосъобразната дейност на ведомството;
17. решава и други въпроси, свързани с дейността на Патентното ведомство.