Enlarged WG on CP11 and CP12

As a result of the joint efforts of the CP11 Working Group members, MS IPOs, User Associations and non-EU IPOs, the final drafts of both work streams of the CP11: New types of marks – examination of formal requirements and grounds for refusal were approved in the Extended Working Group meetings which took place virtually on 7 and 8 September.

Similarly, the Extended Working Group meeting for CP12: Evidence in trade mark appeal proceedings met virtually on 9 September, where the participants, including representatives from internal and external Appeal Bodies, reached strong consensus on the final Common Practice document.

The CP11 and CP12 Common Practices will be presented for acknowledgement at the Liaison Meeting on Trade Marks on 7 October, and subsequently brought to the Management Board Meeting for adoption in November this year.

The EUIPO takes this opportunity to again thank all the different stakeholders for their valuable dedication, collaboration, and investment in improving the European trade mark landscape.

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